When booking / ordering a product, we ask
- Your surname
- GSM / telephone no
With this data we create a sheet that is stored on our system Shopify (GDPR compliant).
When you pay, this information is linked to the payment.
Your mobile Nr can be used in 3 ways.
1) We inform you that the product has been ordered.
2) We call to ask if the order can continue or verify the size.
3) We send SMS to let you know that the presents have arrived.
Your data is not shared and are only accessible to our collaborators via Log-in and password and have signed a privacy statement for this.
You can look at it at all times, have it adjusted or removed questions.
We do not remove them ourselves because this allows us to optimally meet your wishes and make the process as easy as possible.
For more info via DP Officer: Caroline Vander Straeten - caroline@chew.be
What if I have registered for your newsletter?
You can register via our newsletter that contains product and promotional information, you can do in 2 ways:
1) You have registered via the pop-up on the screen with opt-in (check)
2) With a purchase in the webshop you have checked that you want to receive the newsletter.
If you no longer want to receive it, you can unsubscribe via the newsletter itself.
Or you send an email to caroline@chew.be.
The DP Officer is the only one to have access to the Mailing List via Login and Password that is stored on the Campaign Monitor platform (GDPR Compliant).